May 18, 2021Liked by Samora Kariuki

Well written piece👏. I'm keen on seeing startups launching API's in this space (only a matter of time) as well as action from the relevant regulator/s in developing the framework for a conducive ecosystem

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Very good article. However, i do not seem to understand what you meant fully by "A bank agnostic agency banking service"

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Pesalink is a sleeping Giant. I love using the platform more so especially my bank has made it the only mode of transfer on the app. Uptime is superb at very low cost but public awareness is terrible. I hope its something the New MD of Pesalink is looking to address

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Kariuki, Sorry, meant "a Very well written article!

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Kariuki, This is a very written article.

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I am drawn to the topic of digital transformation and the opportunities this will present to all stakeholders: consumers, regulators, integrators and banks. Everyone wins. The question your thesis raises is what’s the trigger to change ? What cues, rituals or actions and feedback is required by us consumers to instigate change?, Innovators to connect early adopters to enabling technologies? Regulators to identify value that shall uplift the youth?

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Agreed, there's so much room for banks in the fintech space to improve and make our lives easier. Especially with the apps. I would love to see an app that gives me a monthly summary of my spending compared to my budget

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